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Storm Consulting is the Premier Loyalty Marketing Consulting Service agency in Greater China Region. With offices in Taipei and Shanghai, Storm Consulting manage and operate membership loyalty program for international brands, including DHL TW Loyalty Program, Lancome VIP Program(L’Oreal) , Kiehl’s CRM Program(L’Oreal), Biotherm in touch Club membership Program(L’Oreal), Vichy Membership Program(L’Oreal), Johnson & Johnson’s CRM services, IKEA membership program data services, Anna Sui myDolly Club program (P&G Group), Air China, Timberland and many other most demanding Top 500 corporations. Storm Consulting is a dynamic and exciting organization. We believe in teamwork and have created an environment that gives our employees encouragement, respect and the tools to succeed.
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,27年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
For over 30 years, FOR DAH Industry Co., Ltd. has been the leader in Taiwan in the planning, design, development and manufacture of whole plant equipment for the production of PP/HDPE woven bag, onion bag, cement bag and HD/LDPE blowing type bag. Through our continuous research and development, advanced manufacturing capabiilty, and a strong commitment to customer service, FOR DAH has firmly established itself as a dependable supplier of whole plant equipment. FOR DAH’s engineering department continuously seeks higher production rates, better production quality, and better systems control for all equipment. No matter whether you are looking for a single machine or whole plant equipment, you get outstanding production know-how resulting from our brilliant engineering background.
Laksh International Company Co., Ltd was formerly a domestic factory that manufactured products for other skin product companies. Our main business is to offer OEM service, providing consistent operations of development of skin products, quality test, filling and packing. We have accumulated dozens of years of experience in product development and value quality advancement. In order to maintain high quality of our products, we execute strict quality control which means all filling must be done in the clean room. Furthermore, we always maintain constant communication with our customers in order to gain full understanding of the products and needs they really want. For the past years, we truly appreciate their consistent supports and relying upon us. Because of that, we are motivated to constantly upgrade our quality. In return, we earn their recognition of our stable quality and service. In order to supply overseas demands, Laksh International Co., Ltd was established in October of 2007. The newly - established brand Laksh represents nourishment, satisfaction and enrichment"nourish your skin ", "satisfy your needs" and"enrich your beauty". Our major markets are America, Europe, South American, Middle East and Asia, and the main business is to export Laksh products to these markets. However, we also provide OEM service if requested by foreign customers. We do believe"Laksh" is the ultimate products that satisfy the needs of modern women today. Laksh, making women all over the world look younger, prettier and more radiant !
1.本公司成立於2002年,營業內容為移印,網印機械設備製造及相關耗材銷售,和印刷加工等 2.誠信 和善 謙卑是佳因的信念,專業 精進 務實是佳因的承諾 .
JC英語是全方位規劃兒童美語及成人美語的英語教育機構。 孩子可以在這裡一氣呵成打造各種英檢証照; 主教材採用彭蒙惠博士製作的〝空中英語教室〞系列, 由國小初級到大學高階; 從小到大,銜接升學、考証照沒煩惱。 博士&碩士師資陣容: Dr. Maccani /馬卡尼 博士University of Pretoria比勒陀利亞大學 Doctor of Philosophy Creative Writing創意寫作博士 豐富的英語教學經驗(來台八年教學經驗) 1998-Present(現在) *風趣幽默的教學風格, 能讓學生全神貫注,精彩的上課氣氛,孩子甚至不想下課! • 陽明國中(企鵝家族班)英文資優班講師 1999-2006年 • 兒童美語補習班講師 1999-2006年 • 正修科技大學英文講師 2005-2006年 • 樹德科技大學英文講師 2004-2006年 • 107.7FM 台北之音 英語教學節目主持 馬卡尼博士在台出版書籍:合聲文化事業有限公司 English For Now -- Publisher Her Sheng Culture Enterprise Easy English -- Publisher Her Sheng Culture Enterprise 文法名師 Tr. Cherry陳緻潔老師 澳洲雪梨大學英語教育(TESOL)碩士 暢銷英文書籍著作:1.細說國中英語文法複習講義 (建弘出版社) 2. 統測英文總複習 (龍騰出版社) 3. 英文精通3合一克漏字、閱測、文法 (龍騰出版社) 本機構採用多媒體教學,擺脫傳統白板的抄寫,逗趣十足吸引學生的注意力;有效提高學習效率。自動錄影設備,全程錄製教學實況,方便補課及複習。
本公司經營陶瓷diy彩繪產品,目前再台北市信義區ATT FOR FUN松壽路12號5樓開設門市。除了diy產品外,另有陶瓷成品可供選購。
佳音英語成立至今已近30年,以生活化活潑生動教學深獲好評。並配合第二外語教學政策,積極與各學校進行師資的培訓,教材的推廣等建教合作,讓語言融入生活,未來瞬息,萬變的國際社會。 Students should be assigned to small-sized classes according to age and level . 小班制教學,依年齡和程度分班,提供幼童最妥善的照顧。 Children should receive an education that helps them become open-minded, knowledgeable, responsible, prudent, and exemplary adults. 培養具備領袖氣質的下一代,讓幼童擁有高尚的情操、寬闊的胸懷以及思考判斷的能力。 The curriculum should be systematic and designed to accord with a childs development and interest. 設計符合幼童心智發展與需要的課程,長期有系統地規劃適齡、適性之幼教課程。 English is not just a subject. It is a communication tool for daily life. To immerse children in a wholly English environment, we take a natural approach using organized thematic methods to cultivate students. 英語是孩子的生活語言,統整的主題教學,將英語以自然教學法Natural Approach之方式,自然地帶入課程中,讓孩子長時間 “沉浸”在完全說英語的情境。 Learning should be enjoyable. At Joy, children learn English in a comfortable and anxiety-free environment. 遊戲即教學,兒童在輕鬆、自然的情境中學習。
Baoter, found in 1984, the professional manufacturer of high quality bathroom accessories and faucets, specialize in Forging, Die casting, sand casting, CNC components with completely secondary operations which are including trimming, vibration, polishing, election plating and packaging. We extremely consider maintaining the high-level quality of all our sanitary ware and fittings. We realize that this is the way of doing long term business with customers. Our fruitful experiences with progressive RD, we train out teams to be efficient in managerial know-how. This success has given us a strong reputation for valued products and guaranteed delivery. We always give a true sense of product value with the top quality and warm service to our customers.As an innovative aggressive quality oriented company, we constantly develop and invest in the expansion of our products to present the best. Customer’s designs OEM orders are cordially welcome.
We are a leading OEM producing Electric Gear Motors & controls for the furniture, medical and fitness industry. We have been producing and supplying motors and electronics since 1985. We also will be sourcing both mechanical and electrical components in China for our other manufacturing facilities in USA and Taiwan. We offer a unique opportunity for an individual who has recently or is about to graduate with a degree in engineering to grow with our China operation. If meet the requirements below and are looking to build a successful future and are willing to be groomed by our American General Manager, please send your resume and picture to [email protected] or [email protected]. Requirements: • Education Desired: Bachelor or above with Level four English ability in writing and reading • Major: Electronic Engineering preferably with a minor in Mechanical Engineering or relative, QA • Skill Requirements: Altium Designer(Protel), Keil, Autocad 2D, Solidworks or ProE 3D modeling. • Job Responsibilities : R&D management, 2D and 3D drafting, Statistic Process Control, Quality control for mass production • Past Employment: Not important, We seek somebody who has no problem to work in China. • Self motivated and able to apply high standards of professionalism to all areas of responsibility. • Be electrically and mechanically inclined, able to recognize and report problems. Job Description: • Writing software, Manufacturing process control, Quality system maintenance, Quality Assurance Inspections, 2D and 3D drafting. • Will inspect our production at various locations in China, write reports to our American General Manager and Taiwan Manager. • Should be willing to travel, willing to relocate to JiangSu & Guangdong Province.
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